La Concertation Action Culturelle Bruxelloise (BE)

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La Concertation Action Culturelle Bruxelloise is a network of associations based in Brussels. Its members exchange practices and carry out joint actions with the aim of strengthening the cultural rights of all.

Since 2017, an enlargement process has been underway to better reflect the immense richness of human communities operating in our society. Through this approach, our association seeks to build bridges between these different actors, while defending the fundamental principle upheld by our platform: to form a regional structure, a federative network that is uniquely representative of the reality of Brussels.

Our association has developed around the belief that the many associations in the socio-cultural and artistic sector in Brussels share values and issues specific to the urban environment in which they operate.

Thus, the mission of La Concertation Action Culturelle Bruxelloise is to define and develop interdisciplinary areas of work that respond to the specific dynamics of the Brussels region and, more broadly, across the country and beyond.

The dynamics of the work are engaged and complementary. They open prospects for territorial cultural development on the scale of the Brussels basin, with the aim of promoting and developing cultural rights, including the right to participate in cultural life.